Biostatistics now
This paper offers reflections on the biostatistic sciences, from their origin to the present, following the path of two historic and prestigious journals: Biometrika and Biometrics.References
P. ARMITAGE ( 1985), Biometry and Medical Statistics, “Biometrics”, 41.
C.I. BLISS (1048), Biometrical Clinic of Entomological Problems, “Proc. of a Joint Meeting of American Association of Economic Entomologists and the Biometric Society”.
D.R. COX (2001), Biometrika: The first 100 years, “Biometrika”, 88.
J.H. ELLENBERG (1990), Biostatistical Collaboration in Medical Research, “Biometrics”, 46.
R. A. FISHER (1930), Statistical method for research workers, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh.
B. GREENBERG (1983), Biostatistical Sciences as a Discipline: A Look into the Future, A Biometrics invited paper with discussion, “Biometrics”, 39.
A. MEAD (2009), Biometry and IBS-Strength through Diversity, “Biometrics”, 65.
G. MOLENBERGHS (2005), Biometry, Biometrics, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, … Bio-X, “Biometrics”, 61.
P. MONARI (2009), R.A. FISHER. The relevance of the genetical theory of natural selection, “Statistica”, 2-3.
P. MONARI, I. SCARDOVI (1989), I fondamenti statistici dell’equilibrio genetico nelle popolazioni, Ed. Martello, Milano.
K. PEARSON (1901), Editorial, “Biometrika”, I, 1.
I. SCARDOVI (2009), Rereading Darwin, “Statistica”, 2-3.
S.M. STIGLER (2007), The Pedigree of the International Biometric Society, “Biometrics”, 63.
M. ZELEN (1983), Biostatistical Sciences as a Discipline: A Look into the Future, A Biometrics invited paper with discussion, “Biometrics”, 39.
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