Statistica: Announcements 2022-06-11T16:29:43+02:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>STATISTICA (ISSN 1973-2201)</strong> is a quarterly journal, founded by Paolo Fortunati. Statistica accepts original papers dealing with methodological and technical aspects of statistics and statistical analyses in the various scientific fields. It also publishes review papers, book reviews and announcements. Full texts are available since 2002.</p> <p>Statistica provides Open Access free for readers and authors.</p> <p>Statistica has a Journal Impact Factor of 1.9 (2022) and a Scopus CiteScore of 1.7 (2023).</p> Inclusion by Clarivate 2022-06-11T16:29:43+02:00 Statistica <p>We are delighted to announce that STATISTICA has been indexed in <strong><a href=";hide_exact_match_fl=true">Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection</a></strong>, in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), category STATISTICS &amp; PROBABILITY. In 2023, all journals in the ESCI including STATISTICA were given a journal impact factor by Clarivate</p> 2022-06-11T16:29:43+02:00 Inclusion in Scopus 2019-09-05T10:29:30+02:00 Statistica 2019-09-05T10:29:30+02:00 Inclusion in ESCI 2017-07-27T15:01:20+02:00 Statistica 2017-07-27T15:01:20+02:00 Editorial Board renewed 2017-07-27T15:00:49+02:00 Statistica 2017-07-27T15:00:49+02:00