Alcune considerazioni probabilistiche sui fondamenti della meccanica delle particelle
On recalling to the tradition of G. Castelnuovo, the Authors ripropose the well known statistics of Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac exclusively on the basis of probabilistic hypotheses excluding any real characteristics of elementary particles here considered. For this purpose, they use the notion of "relevance quotient" largely employed in other works. Then, they take from quantum mechanics the notion of "observable", that is an operator on the space of the state vectors, and they obtain a probability of transition between the states of a system in which a correlation factor is present, depending on the base states through which the system can change. So that, one can inglobe a correlation effect within a probabilistic statement.How to Cite
Costantini, D., Garibaldi, U., & Monari, P. (1989). Alcune considerazioni probabilistiche sui fondamenti della meccanica delle particelle. Statistica, 49(3), 327–347.
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