On the Probabilty Concept


  • Bruno De Finetti




Prior probability, posterior probability, exchangeability, statistical inference


As it has been already done for the Corrado Gini's works, STATISTICA has accepted the invitation of some researchers who asked to republish the English translation of some fundamental De Finetti's papers. These works were translated into English and published in the volume: Bruno De Finetti, Induction and Probability, Biblioteca di Statistica, eds. P. Monari, D. Cocchi, Clueb, Bologna, 1993.
On the Probability Concept is one of the first fundamental philosophical papers in which we can find the essential basis of De Finetti's subjective approach to the Theory of probability.


F. P. Cantelli, Una teoria astratta del calcolo delle probabilita, Giorn. Ist. It. Attuari", III, n. 2, 1932.

B. De Finetti, Fondamenti logici del ragionamento probabilistico, "Boll. U.M.I.", anno IX, n. 5, 1930; Problemi determinati e indeterminati nel calcolo delle probabilità, "Atti Soc. It. Progr. Se.", vol. II, Congr. Bolzano-Trento, 1930.

B. De Finetti, Sul signicato soggettivo della probabilita, "Fund. Math.", T. XVII, Warszawa, 1931.

B. De Finetti, Probabilismo, "Bibli. Di losoa diretta da A. Aliotta" Perrella, Napoli, 1931.

A. Denjoy, Sur les variables ponderees multipliables de M. Cantelli, "C.R. Ac. Se.", vol. 196, pp. 1712{1714, 1933.

E. Kampke, Einfuhrung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Hirzel, Leipzig, 1932.

R. von Mises, Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Deuticke, Wien, 1931; Wahrscheinlichkeit, Statistik und Wahrheit, Springer, 1929.




How to Cite

De Finetti, B. (2016). On the Probabilty Concept. Statistica, 76(3), 207–219. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1973-2201/6620


