A three parameter hyper-Poisson distribution and some of its properties
Confluent hypergeometric series, Displaced Poisson distribution,Abstract
A new class of distribution is introduced here as a generalization of the well-known hyper-Poisson distribution of Bardwell and Crow (J. Amer. Statist. Associ., 1964) and alternative hyper-Poisson distribution of Kumar and Nair (Statistica, 2012), and derive some of its important aspects such as mean, variance, expressions for its raw moments, factorial moments, probability generating function and recursion formulae for its probabilities, raw moments and factorial moments. The estimation of the parameters of the distribution by various methods are considered and illustrated using some real life data sets. Further, a test procedure is suggested for testing the significance of the additional parameter and a simulation study is carried out for comparing the performance of the estimators.References
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