The most efficient linear combination of the Sign and the Maesono tests for p-normal distributions


  • Giuseppe Burgio Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
  • Stefano Patrì Università di Roma “La Sapienza”



This paper deals with the Pitman most efficient Gr linear combination of the Sign and the Maesono tests for parent distributions belonging to the p-normal family of densities.

The most efficient linear combinations G2 and G4 are obtained. It is also shown that G2 (for leptokurtic p-normal distributions) and G4 (for platikurtic p-normal distributions) are much more efficient than Student’s t, with a maximum loss of efficiency of about 3,1% in the near proximity of the normal distribution (p=2).


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How to Cite

Burgio, G., & Patrì, S. (2011). The most efficient linear combination of the Sign and the Maesono tests for p-normal distributions. Statistica, 71(4), 411–420.


