Il prodotto interno materiale lordo dell'Italia nel 2000
The paper presents a physical input-output table (PIOT), in mass units, for the Italian economy of the year 2000. The intersectoral exchanges include the withdrawal of materials from the natural bodies for the economic processes: gases for the photosynthesis and respiration, metabolic and process water, stones, minerals and fossil fuels. The production and consumption activities are analyzed in branches according, as possible, the NACE-Rev1 classification recommended at European level for the I/O tables in monetary units. The processes of production and consumption generate residuals which are disposed into the natural receiving bodies; a fraction of the durable commodities and manufacts are considered immobilized in Stocks. The total mass flow of materials through the Italian economy in 2000 has been about 6.200 million metric tons (5.841 million of metric tons in 1995). The paper suggests the measurement of a "Gross Domestic Material Product", formally similar at the GDP in monetary units, that resulted for the year 2000 about 760 metric tons per million euro (in 1995: 940 metric tons per million eurolire (1995)). The preparation and analysis of an I/O table in mass units, although in aggregate form, give indications on the modifications of the natural bodies, both following the witdrawal of materials for the economy, and as receiving bodies for residuals. The PIOT's in mass units, based on the principle of mass conservation, offers, if reliable statistical informations are available, an indirect check of national monetary accounting.Downloads
How to Cite
Nebbia, G. (2003). Il prodotto interno materiale lordo dell’Italia nel 2000. Statistica, 63(2), 397–409.
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