Mixed loss and delay retrial queueing system with two classes of customers
This paper is concerned with the analysis of a single-server batch arrival retrial queue with two classes of customers. In the case of blocking, the class-1 customers leave the system forever whereas the class-2 customers leave the service area and enter the orbit and wait to be served later. The necessary and sufficient condition for the system to be stable is derived and analytic results for the queue length distribution as well as some per-formance measures of the system under steady state condition are obtained. A general decomposition law for the retrial queueing system is established.Downloads
How to Cite
Krishna Kumar, B., & Pavai Madheswari, S. (2004). Mixed loss and delay retrial queueing system with two classes of customers. Statistica, 64(1), 57–73. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1973-2201/1286
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