Sviluppi metodologici nell’analisi di biografie correlate


  • Simona Drovandi Università degli Studi di Firenze



Many authors are concerned with the analysis of causal relationships among fertility and working careers (Drovandi 1998a end 1998b; Rampichini e Salvini 1998), but until now they have not treated contextual indicators. Otherwise in the real situation the framework is more complex because there are two different dimensions: the micro and macro level that develop causal relationship among variables considered in the social and demographic context. As result of this in this paper, a version of casual log-linear models (Drovandi, 1998a), has been applied to demographic data (INF-2) with the introduction of macro indicators, deducted by other fonts (Racioppi and Santagata, 1998), that would be treated as constant covariate, to be considered explanatory variables both in terms of timing and intensity of reproductive process. According to this some socio-economic macro variables, concerned the residential area (Istat 1994,1995a,1995b), will be considered. These results show that the macro variables can explain, in the same way of individual indicators, same features of reproductive behaviour of women interviewed with the INF/2 Survey. This result can justify the use of Population Census, to develop proxies of women reproductive behaviour, when it is difficult to obtain individual information.

How to Cite

Drovandi, S. (2000). Sviluppi metodologici nell’analisi di biografie correlate. Statistica, 60(3), 481–496.


