The Exponentiated XGamma Distribution: a New Monotone Failure Rate Model and Its Applications to Lifetime Data
Xgamma distribution, Moments, Generating function, Conditional moments, Reliability curve, Different methods of estimationAbstract
In this article, the exponentiated version of xgamma distribution (XGD) has been introduced, named as exponentiated xgamma distribution (EXGD). The proposed model is positively skewed and possess some interesting shapes of hazard rate, i.e., increasing, decreasing and bathtub. Different distributional properties of proposed model, viz., moments, generating functions, mean deviation, quantile function, order statistics, reliability curves and indices etc. have been derived. The estimation of the parameters, survival function and hazard function of EXGD have been approached
by different methods of estimation. A Simulation study is carried out to compare the performances of the different estimators obtained via different methods of estimation. Two real data sets have been analyzed to illustrate the applicability of the proposed model.
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