Characterizations of some bivariate models using reciprocal coordinate subtangents
Reciprocal coordinate subtangent, Reliability measures, Characterizations, Conditionally specified modelsAbstract
In the present paper, we consider the bivariate version of reciprocal coordinate subtangent (RCST) and study its usefulness in characterizing some important bivariate models. In particular, characterization results are proved for a general bivariate model whose conditional distributions are proportional hazard rate models (see Navarro and Sarabia, 2011), Sarmanov family and Ali-Mikhail-Haq family of bivariate distributions. We also study the relationship between local dependence function and reciprocal subtangent and a characterization result is proved for a bivariate model proposed by Jones (1998). Further, the concept of reciprocal coordinate subtangent is extended to conditionally specified models.
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